Chucky Gets A 2013 Revamp in “Curse of Chucky” [TRAILER]

08 Jul2013
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Photo: Universal

Photo: Universal

I know friends who were petrified of the red-headed doll in overalls we all know as Chucky aka Charles Lee Ray but in the 2013 revamp, Chucky is so digitized any horror appear he had is gone in my opinion.

In “Curse of Chucky,” the doll mysteriously finds its way to the home of a family dealing with a death in the family. A little girl bonds with the doll and insists on keeping it. Of course he comes to life and just starts killing but the trailer shows no indication why this family was chosen. I guess that’s why we have to see it.

Watch the trailer for “Curse of Chucky” below which will be available on DVD and BlueRay October 8.

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