Happy Mother’s Day From Garth and Kat

12 May2013
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Photo: NBC

Photo: NBC

Since former Saturday Night Live, SNL, cast member Kristen Wiig hosted the show on May 11 the audience could expect the comedian/actress to bring back some of her beloved characters.

Gilly, The Target Lady and Denise, the baby hands, huge forehead, singing sister from the Finger Lakes on The Lawrence Welk Show, were all back on SNL that evening but my favorite had to be the return of Garth and Kat on Weekend Update with Seth Meyers.

Fred Armisen (Garth) and Kristen Wiig (Kat) dusted off their blonde wigs and turtle necks to make an appearance as the never prepared singing duo. Dressed in pink Mother’s Day vests, Garth and Kat “sang” songs off their new Mother’s Day album; very fitting for the occasion.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you Glamberous women out there that do their best at one of the hardest jobs in the world; being a mommy!!

Watch Garth and Kat give you a special and hilarious serenade on Saturday Night Live below.

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