The British Are Coming: Royals Edition

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Photo: Fanpop

Photo: Fanpop

For this week’s British invasion, I’m coming at you with some familiar faces that we non-Brits have grown to love and envy. That’s right! I’m talking about the Mr. and Mrs. Royal, Prince William and Kate Middleton. Today is a special day for the duo as they celebrated their second wedding anniversary. They’ve also recently been seen shopping for a ton of items for the Royal Fetus who is set to arrive in the summer. Cue the googley eyes!

After the whole world watched the pair marry on April 29, 2011, they have become a world-wide phenomenon and have been launched from royalty to A-List celebrity status. Kate became a style icon and is constantly having her looks duplicated, while William maintains the true English gentleman way that all men strive to possess (or should!). When the news of Kate’s pregnancy, the whole world was sent into a frenzy. Both Wills and Kate continue to dominate Hollywood headlines and are ever contributing to the British invasion!

Not only are they heavily involved in philanthropy and charity, but they also like to have fun and show that it’s okay to be silly. If you don’t believe me, watch a video of the two having fun at the Harry Potter set! They are truly two amazing people and without a doubt, some of the trendiest Brits around. Pip pip!

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