LOL: Michael Shannon Reads Insane Delta Gamma Sorority Letter

24 Apr2013
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Photo: FOD

Photo: FOD

I admit I was a little behind the curve on this one.

When I was hearing things about an offensive sorority letter that surfaced from the Delta Gamma Sorority from the University of Maryland I didn’t think it was a big deal or it was a small scandal that would blow over but that was SO not the case.

Allow me to give you a briefer on the situation. Rebecca Martinson, a member of Delta Gamma sent her fellow sorority sisters a very vulgar and very crazy email calling them everything from “retarded” to “weird” for not properly “socializing” with their brother fraternity Sigma Nu. The email is very long and is the most insane rant I ever read.

BUT wait, there’s more. Boardwalk Empire’s Michael Shannon has added a very hilarious spin to this situation by reciting the email in a dramatic reading for a Funny or Die skit. You could experience the offensive letter twice by watching Michael Shannon read the insane Delta Gamma Sorority letter then reading it through or vice versa. OR you could do what I did, play the Funny or Die video of Michael reciting the letter and read along, but be sure you can still see Michael.

Watch Michael Shannon read the insane Delta Gamma Sorority Letter from Rebecca Martinson to her sorority sisters.

[NOTE: This video contains very vulgar language not appropriate if you’re at work, unless you work at one of those alternative offices ;-)]

Michael Shannon Reads the Insane Delta Gamma Sorority Letter from Michael Shannon

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