Ke$ha’s Crazy Beautiful Life Chronicled in New MTV Docu-Series

22 Apr2013
1,047 1
My Crazy Beautiful Life


Oh Ke$ha, how you continue to be my HERO. I love everything about this girl from her mantra “Tik Tok”, which makes me want to go get a bottle of jack and use it as toothpaste, to her more tame “Die Young” which just makes me want to get on a table and dance.

Now, as the ultimate Ke$ha fan, I get what every fan wants: a docu-series about the insanity she sings about on every track and this trailer below doesn’t disappoint! MTV ordered the series back in February of 2013 and it’s filmed by her filmmaker brother Lagan Sebert, over the last two years and it’s being brought to us April 23rd, 2013 at 11pm eastern time on MTV.

If you don’t love Ke$ha now, watch this trailer and see if you don’t feel like finding a dude with a big beard whose not afraid of your fierceness. She is the living definition of YOLO.  Check her out and let us know, are you going to watch My Crazy Beautiful Life?

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