One Direction Meets Wax One Direction At Madam Tussauds in London

19 Apr2013
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Photo: REX USA

Photo: REX USA

I hope all you One Directioners out there can handle two versions of Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Niall Horan because the “What Makes You Beautiful” singers has been forever immortalized in wax!

One Direction met their wax counterparts at the famous Madam Tussauds Wax Musuem in London on Thursday, April 18, and man is the resemblance uncanny.

The boys London figures will be on display for twelve weeks there before being displayed at Madam Tussauds New York and Sydney.

Looking at these wax figures I think two things: 1. The boys of One Direction are so crazy beautiful that they already looked like wax figures and 2. I wonder if Madam Tussauds will let me borrow Harry Styles for the weekend?

How freaky are these wax figures of One Direction at Madam Tussauds?

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