Confirmed: Pitch Perfect and SWATH Sequels Set for 2015 Release

18 Apr2013
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Some things are better the second time around but in this case I feel a “one and done” would have been totally appropriate.

Universal confirmed that popular music film “Pitch Perfect” and epic fairy tale twist “Snow White and the Huntsman” are both set to release sequels in 2015.

Pitch Perfect” starred Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and Brittany Snow in an all girls acappella singing group competing for the top title. “Snow White and the Huntsman” starred Kristen Stewart as Snow White along with Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman and Charlize Theron as the evil queen Ravenna.

Both films were successful in their initial releases but will they hold up a second time around?

Rumors are swirling that Anna Kendrick and other major stars of the film  won’t return for a “Pitch Perfect” reprise. And Charlize Theron died at the end of SWATH (sorry Ki Ki but she was kind of the best part) so I’m not too sure how successful sequels of these films will be. But what do I know?

Were you a fan of “Pitch Perfect” and/or “Snow White and the Huntsman?” Do you want to see a sequel?

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