Beyoncé Shows Off Her Perfect Beach Body In H & M Swimwear Campaign

15 Apr2013
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Photo: H & M

Photo: H & M

Dizaam! Did mama Bey have a baby a year ago or no? Because Beyoncé’s body looks spectacular in the newly released photos from her full spread with H & M swimwear.

The campaign entitled, “Beyonce as Mrs. Carter in H&M,” was shot by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin and features Bey lounging in sexy two-piece bikini’s in an assortment of colors and designs.

“I’ve always liked H&M’s focus on fun affordable fashion. I really loved the concept we collaborated on to explore the different emotions of women represented by the four elements — fire, water, earth and wind,” Beyoncé said about working with the fashion brand. “It was a beautiful shoot on a tropical island. It felt more like making a video than a commercial,” she continued.

A TV commercial to go along with Beyoncé’s print ad is also set to be released.

Isn’t Beyoncé giving you sexy beach vixen?

Photo: H & M

Photo: H & M

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