Rachel McAdams Talks Hallucinating From Marijuana on Jimmy Kimmel Live

09 Apr2013
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Photo: ABC

Photo: ABC

Rachel McAdams has been laying low since her break up with “Midnight in Paris” co-star Michael Sheen but she made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, April 8, to discuss her film “To the Wonder,” in theaters this Friday, April 12.

The highlight of the interview wasn’t Rachel discussing the film though, it was about a funny encounter with her local grocer.

Jimmy mentioned Rachel still lives in her birthplace of Canada and asked how is living up there. She went on to explain the close relationship she has with her local grocer and how he gave her marijuana to aid her sleepless nights. During Rachel’s high she hallucinated that she heard Opera music so the weed clearly did not help her sleep, but it made for a hilarious interview story.

Watch Rachel McAdams share her hallucination from marijuana story on Jimmy Kimmel Live HERE and HERE.

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