Beyoncé and Jay-Z Celebrate Anniversary in Cuba: Vacation in Paradise?

07 Apr2013
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Beyoncé and Jay-Z have come under flack for their recent Cuban vacation.

The power couple was seen soaking in some sun on a stroll through Havana,Cuba. They even brought their mothers along. Just one problem, it is illegal for American citizens to visit the communist country as tourists.

The Cuban government is also notoriously cruel to citizens that challenge its authority, which leaves some puzzled as to why Bey and Jay would choose to vacation there.

The superstars were celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary but some Cuban-American civil rights activists believe they should have chosen a different location.

Mauricio Claver-Carone, the D.C. director for the US-Cuba Democracy PAC spoke out, “There are women getting beaten on a daily basis, women who are being jailed for no reason … people are fighting for their freedom. It’s extremely insensitive.”

Jay-Z and Beyoncé could have vacationed almost anywhere in the world, so why chose somewhere shrouded in so much controversy?

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