Question of the Day: What is Going on With Amanda Bynes’ Twitter?

23 Mar2013
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In celebrities who have gone off their rocker news…Amanda Bynes has officially crossed over into The Twilight Zone. 

The former Nickelodeon actress is not only sporting a very different look these days (CC: pierced cheeks and wild make up) but her celeb crush for rapper Drake has crossed over into rated R territory.

Amanda’s initial tweets to and about Drake have been rather PG, she tweeted photos of him calling him a “hot fellow” and a “face swap” of the two but last night, March 22, she shared her true feeling for the “Started From The Bottom” rapper. She tweeted, “I want @drake to murder my vagina,” well alrighty then, tell him how you really feel Amanda.

I wonder if Drake has seen any of the previous advances Amanda sent to him. I’m sure this one HAS to get his attention. But one question still remains: What in the world is going on with Amanda Bynes? If you know, please tell me in the comments below.

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