Trailer Thursday: Star Trek Into Darkness

21 Mar2013
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Photo: Paramount

Photo: Paramount

Hello all you Trekkies out there! This week’s Trailer Thursday is for you so feel free to throw up your “Star Wars” hand sign as you watch the new trailer for J.J. Abrams’Star Trek Into Darkness.”

I don’t really follow the newly reinvented “Star Wars” franchise but anything with Chris Pine in it will immediately get a second glance from me. In the second film of the franchise all of the classic favorite characters are back; Spock (Zachary Quinto), Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana) Bones (Karl Urban) and Captain Kirk (Pine).

In this film the crew of the Enterprise finds a force of terror from inside their own organization that proves to be hard to stop. Captain Kirk leads his team on a hunt to capture and end the man who poses this threat. Can they do it?

Star Trek Into Darkness” will be in theaters May 17, 2013. Check out the action packed trailer below!

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