Viral Video: After Ever After

14 Mar2013
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Photo: Facebook

Photo: Facebook

Have you ever wondered what happened to some of Disney’s princesses and iconic characters AFTER their supposed happily ever after?

Well, Jon Cozart, an infamous vlogger, has concocted a very catchy and very current (a nice way to put it) tune about what happened to Pocahontas, “Pocahontas,” Belle, “Beauty and the Beast,” Jasmine, “Aladdin,” and Ariel, “The Little Mermaid,” after their “ever after.”

In the video Jon uses the tunes of popular and beloved Disney songs like: “Wish Upon A Star,” “Under The Sea,” “Prince Ali,” “Little Town (Belle’s Song),” and “The Color of the Wind” but the underlying message is much deeper. Issues of chemical waste spills, terrorism, bestiality and sexually transmitted diseases are mentioned in the songs. Despite the heavy message, people loved the song so much that it reached #2 on the iTunes comedy songs chart.

Although I laughed a lot during this video maybe it was one of those laughs that you do when you are uncomfortable. Check out the video below and let me know what you think!

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