BHM Spotlight: Samuel L. Jackson

25 Feb2013
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February is the special month in which we honor and celebrate African-Americans, past and present, for all their accomplishments in a variety of fields: music, television, film, fashion, business and so much more. Here at Glambergirlblog we want to do things a little bit different. Everyday throughout this month we will spotlight some of the glamberous African-Americans in the entertainment industry.

We’re in the last week of February so we are in the last week of Black History Month Spotlight. *tear* But before we wrap up the month be sure to take a look back on all the talented African-American’s in Hollywood, fashion and music that were highlighted throughout the month. Simply locate the search button at the bottom and top of any web page on and enter “BHM Spotlight.” OK enough of the logistics let’s get into today’s spotlight, Samuel L. Jackson.

The 2011 highest grossing actor of all time is the man known as Samuel L. Jackson. Although these days he’s known for classic movie lines like, “Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf*cking snakes on this motherf*cking plane!” and “Yes they deserve to die and I hope they burn in hell,” he started off as an aspiring actor and political enthusiast raised in Tennessee.

In the late 1960’s, while attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, Samuel became very involved with the black-power movement. He was so much involved that he was expelled from school for locking several board members in a building for two days as part of him protesting the lack of blacks on the board of trustees. I now see that his bad ass movie characters are directly related to his real life.

Later, with a new career focus in mind, Samuel returned back to Morehouse to get a degree in acting. In his early career, Samuel worked Off-Broadway shows in New York, stood in for Bill Cosby at rehearsals for The Bill Cosby Show and toured the country performing skits with The Black Image Theatre Company. While working on “A Soldier’s Play,” Samuel met aspiring film maker Spike Lee, who loved his acting so much he wanted him to have roles in his upcoming films; which Samuel had including; “School Daze,” “Do the Right Thing,” “Jungle Fever” and “Mo’ Better Blues.”

Samuel received much attention from these roles; judges at the Cannes Film Festival even created a Best Supporting Actor category in order for Samuel to claim the honor. But it wasn’t until 1994 when he gained lasting notoriety from his performance in Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction;” then launching his career into overdrive.The roles Samuel received throughout his career ranged from the demented to the inspiring but they all had the same undertone as one man you don’t want to mess with.

Fun Fact About Samuel L. Jackson: Did you know Samuel does a hell of a rendition of Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never, Ever Getting Back Together,” IT’S hilarious! Take a listen below.

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