Guess Who Rihanna Celebrated Her 25th Birthday With?

20 Feb2013
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You can suck her cockiness and lick her persuasion because it’s Rihanna’s, aka BadGalRiRi, 25th BIRTHDAYYYYY!! I really forget sometimes that Ri and I are in the same age bracket as I will be turning 25 this year as well; just want to throw that out there so you all can start prepping gift ideas, but back to Ri.

Photo: Badgalriri Instagram

Photo: Badgalriri Instagram

So what does the girl who pretty much has everything want to do for her 25th birthday? Spend time with her man of course. About an hour or so ago Ri posted this pic on her Instagram page (Badgalriri) with Chris Brown tagged with the caption “Pour it up pour it up! #birthdaybehavior.” Chris Brown looks so excited next to Rihanna in this pic – said no one ever.

Regardless of Brown’s mood in the pic I’m sure the bday girl is somewhere living life high as a kite with a big booty hoe. “Throw it up, throw it up” girl it’s your day!

Happy 25th Birthday Rihanna!! 

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