TV Recap: ‘Girls’ Season 2, Episode 6

18 Feb2013
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Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Just last week I was complaining about Hannah being the only girl we saw in the HBO series Girls but the new episode that aired last night, February 17, featured ALL the girls AND boys, so it made for quite the eventful half hour.

So much was going on in the episode and I guess the only way to truly break it down is to start at the beginning but do forgive me if I leave anything out…this is a recap not a synopsis!

The show opened with Hannah in a business meeting with an editor of Pumped Mag. He read and loved her essays and is interested in turning them into an e-book. Hannah is very excited until she’s informed she has a month deadline to complete the book. Immediately after the meeting she throws up outside the restaurant right in front of disgusted patrons.

Cut to Marnie in bed with my boy BJ, Booth Jonathan!! My initial question was; are these two a couple now? They looked quite cozy lounging in bed together and then inserts Soo Jin, BJ’s assistant. Mind you, BJ is chilling on the bed ass out while holding a convo with this girl while Marnie is still in the bed. AWKWARD! Anywho, Soo Jin and BJ get into an argument about her eating a tiny scoop of his rosewater ice cream when she put his groceries away. She can’t believe he’s serious and quits because she could be on tour with her boyfriend who does lights for Carly Rae Jepsen right now. Since BJ is throwing a party for an opening he asks Marnie to be his hostess of the evening and she accepts.

We then catch up with our lovebirds Ray and Shoshanna. Shosh is concerned with Ray’s way of life and encourages him to attend a workshop on entrepreneurship but he wants no parts of that. The only thing he’s interested in at the moment is getting his Little Women book back from Hannah; she borrowed it and left it at Adam’s. After a brief spat on which character Ray is, Hannah offers to buy him another one but Ray refuses saying this book is special because his godmother wrote little notes throughout it for him. Hannah refuses to go to Adam’s because she think he’ll murder her if they’re alone so Shosh suggests Ray just picks it up as a duty of manhood. He obliges.

Which leads to Adam! I’m SO happy he’s back in the episodes because he truly is the BEST character. I love his sociopath, ADHD nature. Adam is in his apartment working on something when Ray arrives asking for the book. He tells Ray he doesn’t feel like a scavenger hunt looking for it so he can have at it alone. Adam eventually tells Ray it’s in the bathroom but so is a vicious dog. We discover a few things about this dog: It’s a breakup dog for Adam and he stole it from outside a coffee shop because he was tied up outside and his owner yelled at him. Ray convinces Adam to take the dog back to Staten Island, that’s what the dog’s tag says, and he also gets suckered in to joining Adam on the trip.

Over in Brookland, yes Brookland, Marnie is picking out a dress for her hosting duties with BJ. Shosh references “Twilight,” which has officially made her my favorite girl, and tells Marnie she’s like Bella Swan and has this cool boyfriend while she has a guy who wont take her on a real date. In other girlland, Jessa is super depressed about her divorce and lashes out on Hannah telling her the book she’s working on doesn’t matter. I wish somebody help my girl Jessa, I mean she was always sort of a bitch but now she’s a ruthless one.

Back in Staten Island, as the boys make their way via ferry they discuss relationships. Adam reveals he only really like girls under 18 and over 40, the in between girls are the ones with the problems to him. On the island the boys begin to discuss their feelings on Hannah and Shoshanna. While Ray pressures Adam about understanding his infatuation with Hannah, Adam questions his feelings for Shosh. They get into an argument and Adam storms off leaving Ray alone with the dog; Ray continues to find the owner alone.

Back in Brooklyn, the party at BJ’s is in fab full swing. All the people there are fashionable, artsy and Marnie fits right in playing the role in a plastic dress, which I loved. Hannah arrives at the party and feels out-of-place. She tries to tell Marnie the news of her book but she basically ignores her. Hannah ends up leaving. After the party, BJ offers Marnie $500 for hosting which baffles her because she thinks she did a favor for her boyfriend. BJ tells her they are not a couple which makes her cry. Then BJ has a mental breakdown saying everyone uses him and Marnie doesn’t really like him or know him and just likes the idea of him. She agrees with him and leaves. Oh no! No more Booth Johnathan! * silently weeps*

On Staten Island, Ray finds the owner’s house and tries to leave the dog with the owner’s daughter but she aint having that. She storms off cursing Ray out in the process calling him a loser and questioning why he isn’t at work right now; little does she know the knife in Ray’s self-conscious just got a little deeper.

Right before the show’s end Hannah calls Marnie for a brief convo. They both lie about how well they’re doing; i.e Marnie is allegedly in BJ’s backyard watching fireflies and Hannah’s book is coming along smoothly – both lies. They hang up, clearly missing the connection they once had and are jealous that the other is doing “so well.”

The episode ended with Ray sitting on a park bench in Staten Island with the abandoned, stolen dog. He begins talking to the dog and expressing his feelings of emptiness and feeling like a failure. He wept and naturally so did I. By this time I really wanted to jump in the screen and hug Ray. It really sucks when you do feel down on yourself, feel your life is going nowhere and then you don’t even have anybody you could vent to about it. I really hope things turn around for Ray before the season ends.

New episodes of Girls can be seen on HBO Sunday nights at 9pm with episodes available on HBO GO as soon after the new episodes air.

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