GGB Fashion Focus – Be’Utiful IV Ever Artistry

13 Feb2013
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Photo: Glambergirlblog

Photo: Glambergirlblog

New York Fashion Week is rapidly coming to an end ladies and gentleman. Tomorrow marks the last day New York fashionistas officially celebrate all things fab; until September that is. But we can’t let another NYFW slip by and not talk make-up! Make-up has the ability to alter your mood, change someone’s perception and create a facial masterpiece.Besides styling, it’s like the most important thing in the fashion world.

During a photo shoot I did last summer I had the privilege of working with Rhonda Stewart and Shelvia Wright, Founder and Co-Founder of Be’Utiful IV Ever Artistry. These ladies really know what they are doing and I can’t wait to hire them full-time as my official glam squad! I have a pretty good idea of who these ladies are so now I would like to introduce them to all my Glamberous Ones!

Rhonda and Shelvia are east coast (Philadelphia and Delaware) self-taught make up artists. Their company Be’Utiful IV Ever Artistry started in 2009 with an initial specific focus. “We started with a focus on Bridal Makeup for Brides and Bridal Parties,” the girls said. “Even though we started with Bridal Makeup we have had the opportunity to work with up and coming Gospel Artist, Models, Professional Lingerie Football Players, Magazine shoots and a host of other events.”

Photo: Glambergirlblog

Photo: Glambergirlblog

The girls may have worked with woman who make it their job to be beautiful but the goal of their brand it to make the everyday woman realize her inner beauty. I asked the girls the meaning behind their company name and this is what they had to say. “The name was discovered by us with the thought in mind that every woman has an inner beauty that will last with them forever,” Rhonda boasts. “‘Be U’ simply means to be you no matter what anyone thinks of you or tells you. It’s important for us as people to always BE WHO YOU ARE.”

Now that you know the ladies a bit I can share the beauty secrets they gave me. If you never once used a drop of makeup Rhonda and Shelvia suggests “to start with a foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lip i.e. lipstick/lip gloss.” They style from the simple to extravagant but keeping it simple and styling in grace is the best way they think makeup should be done; ELF eyebrow filler is a product they suggest to complete a look.

So what’s the secret to keeping your skin its best? Rhonda and Shelvia offer this important tip. “You must remove makeup at night with a makeup remover wipe. Cleanse and moisturize. DO NOT USE LOTION!” You hear that ladies, No lotion!

Interested in working with Rhonda and Shelvia from Be’Utiful IV Ever Artistry? You can contact them at for any inquiries.

Photo: Glambergirlblog

Photo: Glambergirlblog


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