BHM Spotlight: LL Cool J

10 Feb2013
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Photo: Evan Agostini/AP Photo

Photo: Evan Agostini/AP Photo

February is the special month in which we honor and celebrate African-Americans, past and present, for all their accomplishments in a variety of fields: music, television, film, fashion, business and so much more. Here at Glambergirlblog we want to do things a little bit different. Everyday throughout this month we will spotlight some of the glamberous African-Americans in the entertainment industry.

Ladies sure do love cool J! And the fellas too! Born James Todd Smith, LL Cool J is another rapper turned actor but unlike the many who have tried he actually did it right.

LL grew up in Bay Shore, Long Island, New York and was signed to emerging record label Def Jam in 1984. His first single ” I Need a Beat” sold more than 100,000 copies. During his career he released twelve studio albums, two compilation albums and countless number one hits. His song “Hey Lover” is still one of my favorite songs of all time.

Once you dominate the music world it’s then time to tackle something new. In the late 1990’s LL caught the acting bug and appeared in the comedy “B.A.P.S.,” horror movie “Halloween H2O,” and drama “Any Given Sunday.” He’s done a slew of films after those and even crossed over into television. He now is the star of hit show “NCIS: Los Angeles.”

Fun Fact About LL Cool J: LL Cool J authored a children’s book entitled And the Winner Is. 

Be Sure to watch LL Cool J host and perform tonight at the 55th Annual Grammy Awards on CBS at 8/7 c. 

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