Viral Video: ‘For Your Consideration’ Spoofs Anne Hathaway Song From Les Miserables

01 Feb2013
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Photo: For Your Consideration

Photo: For Your Consideration

I can admit that I have not gotten around to seeing Les Miserables” but I am fully aware of the premise and heard nothing but rave reviews about the actors and the picture as a whole. A star of the film, Anne Hathaway has already won awards at the Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild and Critics Choice for her role but she wants more!

“Anne” wants to be considered for Oscar night and does a superb rendition of the infamous song from the film “I Dreamed A Dream.”

Actress-singer Emma Fitzpatrick does a comical and equally amazing job as Hathaway’s character Fantine from Les Mis in this ‘For Your Consideration’ video.

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Fitzpatrick, who has to be Hathaway’s doppleganger, belts out funny lyrics rocking a pixie haircut like the Golden Globes actress with dirt smudged on her face looking much like the scene from the film.

Lines from the segment include: “I played a prostitute who died / Her life was really sad and awful / But I was bold and unafraid / I let them give me this new haircut / And I lost half my body weight / But then they never did a wide shot.”

She even gives “herself” props for singing live and doing her scenes in one take. Despite all the jokes we should really consider Anne Hathaway for an Oscar.

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