TV Recap: ‘Girls’ Season 2, Episode 4

29 Jan2013
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Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Thank you Superbowl!

Because of the Oscars of the sports world is taking place on Sunday, February 3, the new episode of Girls will have a special air date on Saturday, February 2.

But wait…there’s more. The angels over at HBO have given us an even better treat…episode 4 is now available on demand and HBO GO so you, my Glamberous One, get the latest episode recap early so without further adieu.

I feel like episode 4 of season 2 has to be by far my favorite of the series! I say that because I laughed, I cried and I haven’t done that since last season when Hannah found out Elijah was gay and she had HPV. This episode is the first of the season where we really got a good taste of all our beloved girls and since they each had a distinct plot line in this episode this recap will be broken down in characters.

What happened with HannahThe episode opens with a livid Elijah moving out and Hannah sliding her whole crotchal area on the dining room set that she’s keeping along with other things Elijah’s ex George brought for him that George said Hannah could have. Hannah tells Elijah she made a mistake “trying to re-purpose him” and the two get into expenses when they were together and butt plugs. I hope this isn’t the last we see Elijah because I really loved his character! Anyway, Hannah then decides to throw a dinner party to celebrate her first published piece on Jazzhate. She invites Charlie, Marnie’s ex, Audrey, Charlie’s current GF, Marnine, who Hannah didn’t think would show up since they’re on bad terms, plus Ray and Shosanna, who were late because they were having sex.

Although Hannah and Marnie are on bad terms she defends her when Charlie talks shit about her for showing up everywhere when he’s with his girlfriend. As Hannah devours an entire bundt cake she tells Charlie he’s a jerk and that Marnie had a really tough year, you know losing her job and sleeping with a gay man and all.

What happened with MarnieWhile at the dinner party Marnie and Audrey get into it initially over Marnie’s hate for the word “butthole” when the conversation at dinner turns to the use of butt plugs. Audrey continues to say the word knowing how much it bothers Marnie and proceeds to go off about her always being around Charlie and showing up to his door step crying and spending the night. Audrey called Marnie a “Stepford psycho” and says she tired of always seeing her around. Ultimately, Marnie storms out because Hannah puts the decision on Charlie of who should leave the party. Charlie goes after Marnie.

On the rooftop, Charlie explains to Marnie that Audrey is intimated by her and goes on the compliment her and tell her all the reasons she’s still important to him. They make out but Marnie stops Charlie and tells him she’s seeing Booth Jonathan. Charlie is pissed and says she will never get near his private regions ever again.

What happened with JessaWe finally get to see a taste of married life with Jessa and Thomas-John; which isn’t so perfect as Jessa made it out to be. The two prepare for Jessa to meet Thomas-John’s parents for the first time. While at dinner we discover Jessa went to Oberlin college but dropped out seven months later to go to rehab for a heroine addiction. She doesn’t believe in God and Thomas-John’s parents are worried that Jessa’s free-spirited lifestyle is a bit much for their son.

After dinner, Thomas John and Jessa get into a huge argument over their very different lifestyles. The two were throwing shade left and right. Thomas-John calls himself “a miracle and a unicorn” because he’s the only finance guy that made a profit out of the recession and finds it strange that Jessa ended up with him. She tells him she’s embarrassed to walk down the street with him because he’s so average and that she tells her friends he’s “a test tube baby” so he could have a little edge. All shit hits the fan when Thomas-John calls Jessa a “whore with no work ethic” leading her to punch him. He offers her money to leave and she eventually accepts $11,500. But before she does she smashes his “Humie,” take that Thomas-John! Guess this marriage is over.

What happened with ShoshannaAfter the big Marnie, Audrey and Charlie drama; Hannah, Ray and Shosh are left at the party. Hannah asks about Ray’s living situation and the conversation reveals that he living with Shoshanna without her really realizing it until that moment. Shosh is pissed at Ray and feels used. She tells him she wishes he would have told her so she could have brought new sheets and talked to her aunt about living with a man for the first time but being the lady that she is, she suggests that they talk about the situation when they get back to their “shared home” and Ray reveals he lives in his car when he’s not with her.

The two silently wait for the train back to Shosh’s apartment when something MAJOR happens. These two crazy kids are in love *tears.* After Ray professes that he thinks he’s a loser and doesn’t know why a girl like Shoshanna would be with him, she tells him she’s falling in love with him. At first Ray tells her it’s way too early for that but then repeats twice that “I love you so f*cking much.” Of course the girly girl in me broke down crying.

Episode 4 ended with Hannah singing in the bathtub at her apartment as Jessa creepily enters the room clearly distraught. This scene was very sweet because not only do we never see Jessa sad or vulnerable but we got see how close Hannah and Jessa really are as they shared a bath sprinkled with snot rockets. I feel new roomies are in the works here!

New episodes of Girls can be seen on HBO Sunday nights at 9pm with episodes available on HBO GO as soon after the new episodes air.

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