Trailer Thursday: Beautiful Creatures

24 Jan2013
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Photo: Alcon Entertainment

Photo: Alcon Entertainment

In this week’s Trailer Thursday the ultimate battle between good and evil is displayed in “Beautiful Creatures.”

The film tells the tale of Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert) fighting between the natural process of having her magical powers be consumed by “the light” or “the dark” when she reaches the age of sixteen.

Lena and her family are what they call “casters” and are divided between “the dark” and “the light” sides. Lena has the opportunity to become the greatest caster of the dark side and essentially rule the mortal world but Macon Ravenwood (Jeremy Irons), a father figure to Lena, is determined to keep her on the light side when she inherits all of her powers. Conflicted between true love on the light side and being her true self on the dark; Lena is faced with a difficult decision. Which side will Lena choose?

Beautiful Creatures” will be in theaters on February 14, 2013. Check out the trailer below!

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