Top 25 Pop Culture Stories of 2012 (19 – 13)

29 Dec2012
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The end of the year is only a few days away and much like other entertainment news media outlets Glambergirlblog is counting down the top 25 stories that happened this year in pop culture. Yesterday in part I we revealed numbers 25 – 20 and in this post we are continuing the countdown with numbers 19 – 13. So without further adieu check out part II of the countdown below.



19. Chris Brown and Rihanna’s Back and Forth Love Games People and Twitter went into a frenzy when it was revealed that C Breezy and Ri Ri has decided to rekindle the old flame despite the 2009 domestic violence incident that tore the couple apart. At first the two were claiming they were just friends  since Brown was heavily involved with his girlfriend Karrueche but after all the public appearances, Twitter subtweets, Instagram photos and song collaborations; Brown and Rihanna could not deny that SOMETHING was going on. The two were even spotted courtside on Christmas Day.

18. The Musical Event of the Year: Les Miserables Poor little “Les Miserables” from 1998 that got all forgotten about once the news broke that an even popular A-List cast were doing a remake to be debuted on Christmas Day 2012. Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter headlined the musical event of the year based off the beloved Broadway musical/play. The movie has even landed several Golden Globes nominations.

17. Kate Middleton Gets Pregnant Duchess Kate Middleton made headlines once more; even bigger than the royal wedding to Prince William; she announced that she expecting her first child. But everything wasn’t all good; Middleton was admitted into King Edward VII Hospital for acute morning sickness but now is doing much better and having a normal pregnancy. And let’s not forget good ole Twitter for creating a Royal Fetus account.



16. Jersey Shore Has It’s Final Season After six seasons of smushing, tanning, “Jersey Turnpiking”, grenades, crying, fighting, drinking, and Snooki; MTV’s most popular reality television show “The Jersey Shore” ended with its lowest ratings yet but that didn’t take away from the impact that it had on the show’s stars. Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, DJ Pauly D and Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino have been the series’ breakout stars due to their infamous style, taglines and lifestyles. If you loved or hated JS you can’t deny the show brought major buzz back to music television.

15. Dick Clark Dies In April ‘American’s oldest teen’ Dick Clark died. The former “American Bandstand” host and regular ABC “New Years’ Rockin’ Eve” host passed away due to a heart attack. The news of his death rocked pop culture to its core but lovely stories about the music host from celebs of all mediums surfaced that made you smile at the wonderful life and impact Clark had on everyone. New Years Eve with never be the same without you. R.I.P Dick!

14. Dark Knight Rises Released and a Dark Cloud Follows The summer blockbuster “The Dark Knight Rises” was the follow-up film to “The Dark Knight” that follows the mayhem of Bane (Tom Hardy) in Gotham City and how Batman (Christian Bale) rose to the challenge to fight against him. This movie was very highly anticipated and my Twitter feed was going nuts in the weeks leading up to the film but sadly a horrific event occurred that overshadowed the film’s release date. In Colorado a crazed gun man shot up a midnight screening of the movie leaving many dead and wounded as well as leaving a country fearful of going to the movies.



13. Tributes Unite For The Hunger Games Following in the likes of the “Harry Potter” and “Twilight” franchises; “The Hunger Games” accumulated a huge fandom known as tributes that united in anticipation of the film being released. THG was the first movie to be made based off the trilogy of young adult novels written by Suzanne Collins. Starring Jennifer Lawrence as the girl on fire Katniss Everdeen, the film follows young adults thrown into a literal game of the lives that is televised for the citizen of Panem. The second film, “Catching Fire,” is set to be released fall 2013.

Come back to tomorrow, December 30, for the part III reveal of our Top 25 Pop Culture Stories of 2012 (12-6)We’ll also be debuting part I of GGB’s Top 12 Moments of 2012. 

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