Movie Review: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

16 Nov2012
994 6

The highly anticipated conclusion of The Twilight Saga was the highlight of many Twihard’s year including mine. Director Bill Condon was really the perfect man for the job to wrap up the pop culture phenomenon because he did such an amazing job at staying true to the book but embellishing on aspects of the Stephenie Meyer novel that fans could enjoy. I will try to be as SPOILER FREE as possible in this post; this film is definitely one you should go into blind.

The opening credits to the film were so fascinating I was immediately drawn into the experience of the film. Things did pick up right where it ended in “Breaking Dawn Part 1” and continued at a steady and exciting pace. I don’t think there was one dull moment for me and I really loved how true it was to the book even with exact lines. There were certain parts of the film that really exceeded my imagination i.e. Vampire Bella.

In BDP2, fans were getting to see a revampired Bella. She would be more beautiful, fast, super strong, poise and sparkly. Kristen Stewart played an amazing newborn vampire full with spunk and eagerness to try out her new life. It was so cute to see her interact with The Cullens now that she was officially one of them. I really liked this new Bella; she was stylish, loving and funny; CC: arm wrestling scene. Not only was Bella a vampire in this film but she was a mother and wife. Bella’s relationship and moments with daughter Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy) was a joy to watch. I actually believed I was watching a mother and child. Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella as parents was also a heartwarming experience to see; their performance came across as very natural on-screen.

Now that Bella was finally a vampire the dynamic of the Edward and Bella relationship did a complete sexy 180! The sex scene that consummated their union as vampire husband and wife was very climatic from the way it was shot to the song (Feist – “Fire in the Water”) that played during the scene. Edward was a much happier character in this film and brought out just as many funny zingers as Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Charlie Swan (Billy Burke) did in this film.

Another major aspect of this film was all the additional vampires that were joining the cast. There were so many new characters that many of their names got lost in the sea of red eyes but they all were vital to the story. The coven I simply adored the most was The Denali Coven, the cousins of The Cullens: Eleazar (Christian Camargo), Carmen (Mia Maestro), Kate (Casey LaBow), Tanya (MyAnna Buring) but not Irina (Maggie Grace) cause she’s a trouble maker. They played a major part in the entire plot of the last film and Kate help Bella realize and perfect her “shield” power, which was flawlessly shown; now let’s talking about the ending.

The exaggerated fight sequence between The Cullens and their witnesses vs. The Volturi that would be in the film was the most talked about due to the “twist ending” it would give the series. It had me going through so many emotions while viewing it. During promotion for the film Bill Condon, the actors and Stephenie Meyer were going on and on about how shocking this “twist ending” was and how it would really make you go “OMG”; let me tell you it was SO shocking!

I did not see that coming at all! I’ve never been a loud reactor in a film; you know I do the typical jumps, low cries but in this final installment during the last 20 minutes I was SCREAMING and WAILING so loud; I’m sure the loudest in the theater. It was such a traumatic ending that I’m still dealing with the aftermath. My body was literally shaking as I peeled myself off my theater seat exiting the theater.

As a whole I think the film was so good, really SO GOOD! Carter Burwell making a reprise and doing the music for the film was genius. The score was simply enchanting and I loved the variations of “Bella’s Lullaby” and how it was incorporated in “Renesmee’s Lullaby.” The film was beautifully shot and it’s so hard to fathom that “Breaking Dawn” Part 1 and 2 was shot at the same time. They seem like two very different dynamics in mood and in the characters so kudos to the actors and Bill Condon for pulling that off effortlessly.

Now my opinion may be bias because I do love the series so much but I really enjoyed it and I feel the saga is complete. Tell me your thoughts on the film!

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