16DOT: The LAST Twilight Premiere EVER

16 Nov2012
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Ignoring it wont make it go away Twihards. As much as we don’t want to and as hard as it is we must accept that with the anticipated release of “Breaking Dawn Part 2” The “Twilight” Saga is officially OVER! No more premieres, comic con panels, press conferences, fan events and possibly the last time we’ll see Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner on the same screen.

Extremely sad, I know but for now we MUST embrace the good and beautiful i.e. the last “Twilight” premiere ever that took place in Berlin today where the stars of the film walked their last red carpet, “Twilight” related, along with director Bill Condon and producer Wyck Godfrey.

Kristen Stewart naturally slayed, I’m not sure who her stylist is but they deserve a reward. Stewart was dressed in a metallic gold Elie Saab gown with a very sexy slit and the boys looked dapper as usual in their suits. I’m really going to miss Robbie, Tay and Ki Ki together; they were a trio made in Hollywood heaven! I really hope they all go on to have extensive careers! Edward, Jacob and Bella, you will indeed be missed!

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