Today is like a national holiday for me, “Breaking Dawn Part 2” will be in theaters TONIGHT at 10pm. To celebrate I will be in the “Twilight” marathon, which will show all the previous films back to back leading up to the epic finale. Happily I will be in the theater all day looking at Edward Cullen realness on the big screen so sadly I won’t be able to blog. But have no fear I will be coming back strong on Friday, our last day of 16 Days of Twilight, to give a Glamberous review of the film along with much more 16DOT content wrapping up the saga and GGB’s send off.
Until then my gift for you to share how excited I am about FINALLY seeing “Breaking Dawn Part 2” check out these random and equally hilarious “Twilight” gifs; and if you follow my blog by now you should all know how much I love gifs! You’re welcome