16DOT: Twilight Spotlight- Stephenie Meyer

12 Nov2012
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How “irrevocably” foolish of me NOT to spotlight The “Twilight” saga author Stephenie Meyer sooner. Without “Mama Twilight” we wouldn’t know about Forks, Washington, how beautiful and cold La Push beach is, imprinting, how to kill vampires and dear God we would not have known EDWARD CULLEN; ugh can you imagine?

For those of you that don’t know, the idea of “Twilight” came from a dream the world-famous author had. In many interviews Meyer talks about the meadow scene in “Twilight” where Edward and Bella fall in love being the dream she had about. She immediately wrote the idea down and was later convinced by her sister to shop the idea around to publishing houses.

That dream turned into a multi-million dollar franchise and global phenomenon forever apart of pop culture history. Whether you are insanely in love with it or disgustingly despise the franchise you can not deny that it changed lives; in the author’s, cast and fans who adore the series.

Meyer is currently done with vampires, or is she?, and is working on the idea of extraterrestrial life and body invasion with her latest series “The Host.”

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