16DOT: GGB Meets The ‘Twilight’ Cast

07 Nov2012
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Very few get to come face to face with the things they obsess over. For me, I was very lucky and determined to be able to come face to face with my obsession, “Twilight.”

Over the course of about a year I was able to meet Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black), Peter Facinelli (Dr. Carlisle Cullen), Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen), Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan/Cullen) and Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen), in that order. Every experience I had with each actor was great. They all were super nice and friendly but if I had to choose, I would say meeting Kellan Lutz was the best experience.

If you recall, back in September I wrote about my experience meeting Kellz during Fashion Night Out in New York City. He was super flirty, which I loved, and even gave me a compliment on my dress. Not to mention we had the best embrace EVER! He truly is a sweet man. If I had a do-over it would definitely be Taylor Lautner.

When I met Tay last year I just was not prepared. For one, I didn’t think I would actually be meeting him and two, since I am #TeamEdward I did not think I would freeze up on him like I did. I barely remember looking at the guy. I think I looked up and asked for a picture and then paid it. I couldn’t say anything to him, such a shame. BUT Tay will be doing NYC promotion this week so I may be able to redeem myself.

For any Twihards reading this: tell me about your experiences meeting or trying to meet the “Twilight” cast.

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