16DOT: “Oh My,” I Love Aro

04 Nov2012
920 5

I know Aro, head of the Volturi, is suppose to be the bad guy but I simply adore him. Maybe that’s why “New Moon” is my favorite of the “Twilight” saga because Aro (Michael Sheen) was in that one.

I love everything about him: his tone of voice, extreme posing, his hair and overall nonchalant attitude. As we get closer and closer to the premiere of “Breaking Dawn Part 2” Summit is bringing Christmas early and giving all Twihards little gifts. This exclusive clip shows Irina (Maggie Grace) snitching on The Cullens and telling Aro that they have committed a crime by creating an immortal child; which they haven’t. *insert rolling eyes*

Check out the clip below and see how Aro reacts to this news.

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