Trailer Thursday: Struck by Lightning

01 Nov2012
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Now that Halloween is over we are back to our regularly scheduled program highlighting movie trailers from an array of film genres. This week we’ll take a look at an independent film by a first time writer.

In “Struck by Lightning” “Glee” star Chris Colfer plays lead character Carson Phillips, a driven, aspiring writer who has big dreams of being an editor for The New Yorker and being the youngest freelancer to be published in an assortment of high profile publications. He wants to attend North Western and is ready to climb his way to the top. He knows practice makes perfect so he wants to start a literary newspaper at his high school; only problem is nobody wants to be apart of his rise to fame.

Rebel Wilson plays Malerie Baggs, Phillips partner in crime and main informant after Phillips decides he will blackmail students at school into writing for his publication; and believe me this school is filled with more juicier secrets than Wisteria Lane. Spoiler alert: The twist in this film is that Phillips is struck and killed by lightning and he’s telling us the story I’m assuming leading up to his death.

I kind of feel like this film is the hippie, tragic version of “Glee.” I just can’t get the idea of Kurt out of my head seeing Chris Colfer floating around the high school hallways but I do give him praise for writing a film. Writing and being creative is hard on its own let alone writing pages upon pages of dialogue for a script; so congrats Chris!

Struck by Lightning” will debut in France on June 12, 2013. No word on when it becomes available in Unites States yet. Until then, check out the trailer below.

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