RECAP: 16DOT ‘Breaking Dawn Part 2’ Last Press Conference

01 Nov2012
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Thanks to Twitter and I totally feel like I was in the front row at the LAST press conference for the “Twilight” series. Thursday, November 1, press from a variety of media outlets gathered in Los Angeles to ask those pending questions concerning the final installment.

Mainly all of the major players in making the film so great were in attendance aside from Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) and Peter Facinelli (Dr. Carlisle Cullen) who were not able to attend due to Hurricane Sandy on the East coast. Facinelli arrived later in LA after the conference.

First up in the conference was director of both “Breaking Dawn Part 1 and 2” Bill Condon, then actor Michael Sheen (Aro) followed by author Stephenie Meyer, screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg and producer Wyck Godfrey. The Cullens followed – Elizabeth Reaser (Esme Cullen), Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen), Nikki Reed (Rosalie Hale) and Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale). The Twi Trinity closed out the conference separately; Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black), Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) then Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan/Cullen).

This conference proved to be VERY interesting. The press asked some pretty awesome questions and the cast and crew of the film answered perfectly! There were many highlights in the conference for me but I will list a few of the stand out moments for me by the topics discussed.

  • Renesmee Bill Condon revealed the greatest challenge of the film was working on Renesmee. She is such a complex character with unique gifts and Condon said he worked hard to portray her perfectly. Stephenie Meyer explained that not only did Renesmee have to look good but she had to be able to communicate with adults. Jacob’s relationship with Renesmee was also discussed. Taylor Lautner talked about conversations he had with Meyer telling him not to over complicate things and know they have a lifelong bond.
  • The Infamous Dance Number Since the promotion of BDP1 the cast and crew have been teasing fans with an allegded “dance prank” the cast played on Bill Condon while shooting. Condon teased that the prank was indeed hilarious and it could end up on the DVD. Today Michael Sheen who plays Aro confirmed that the dance did happen and it was fun to perform the number. He also revealed the cast danced to “Sweet Dreams Are Made of This.” – Dear God let this be on the DVD along with a cast commentary!
  • The Twist Ending Did I want to know or not want to know? I’m still undecided but it’s not like I have too long to wait and find out. A major topic at the conference was the slight different ending of the saga. Meyer and screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg explained how they came up with the ending over dinner. Meyer explains she wouldn’t call it an “alternate ending” but it is very surprising. Jackson Rathbone added more to the topic. “Well there are lots of surprises. The last 20 minutes of the film are going to be really, really exciting for the fans who followed the series for years.” Kristen also said the ending was “very romantic” and Sheen said he balled his eyes out so he can only imagine what 13-year-old girls will do.
  • Saying Goodbye to ‘Twilight’ We all knew it would come to this and the cast really hasn’t come to grips that this is indeed the end. Elizabeth Reaser said she keeps putting off the meltdown and Nikki Reed said she’s numbing the idea for the moment. While Stewart is sad she ready to let go, she said, “It’s sad, it is strange. But it’s normal – things shouldn’t stay. They’ve gotta move on.” Looking back the cast was asked what advice would they give to themselves to prepare for what’s ahead. The comedian that he is Rob said, “Start drinking vodka instead of beer. And try to get a 6 pack as early as possible, you’ll be a much more successful actor.” Got to love those interview gems.

Check out some links to transcripts of the conference. Link Link Link  I’ll pass around the box of tissues now as you read. *insert stifled sobs*

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