16DOT: MTV First – Breaking Dawn Part 2

01 Nov2012
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I may love Josh Horowitz just as much as I love my Twi babies! Joshie does the BEST interviews with the “Twilight” cast. They are always comfortable and truly hilarious so you can imagine I was ecstatic to know MTV was doing a MTV First with the casts of the film. 

Thursday, November 1, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and author Stephenie Meyer sat down with MTV’s Josh Horowitz to discuss “Twilight” for the last time. This is a sadness; every time I write “the last” concerning “Twilight” I feel like a bit of me dies a little, but focusing on the good, the interview was absolutely a perfect send off. Here are some of GGB’s Twitastic moments!

  • Rob getting caught smoking on his electronic cigarette.
  •  The giggles, oh the giggles. A lot of the time Robbie, Ki Ki and Tay can not control themselves and erupt into the giggles. They act like siblings sometimes during group interviews with their inside jokes.
  • Rob describing the “vampire on vampire” sex scene in this film as similar to the pottery scene in “Ghost,” which is kind of accurate from the leaked video that I saw. Plus that little “wax on, wax off” move Robbie did talking about the sex scene NEEDS to be giffed! Please and thank you!
  • Josh quizzing the Twi trio on key Twihard phrases generated over the years such as: HBG (Kristen’s hot bodyguard), OME (Oh my Edward), Krisbians (Straight women who would “go” for Kristen) and the global blog ROBsessed.
  • Stephenie Meyer talking about the really sweet ending to the film and Josh telling the viewers “if you don’t cry, you don’t have a heart.” I haven’t seen it but I can agree to that.

If you watched the last “Twilight” MTV First, what did you think?

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