Chris Brown Breaks Down Love Triangle

05 Oct2012
795 1

He is “not a dog” nor is he “a player,” Chris Brown is just living life just like a Stephenie Meyer novel; he’s in love with two people at the same time, in this case both of his ex lovers R & B singer Rihanna and model Karrueche Tran.

In a very intimate Vimeo video entitled The Real Chris Brown Chris addresses both his past relationship with Rihanna and most recent relationship with Karrueche. In the video, Brown sits in the backseat of a car and narrates his inner thoughts of being in love with two women and questioning if it’s even possible. He says that he’s stressed from the situation and not trying to hurt anyone. The video also has candid moments with both Karrueche and Rihanna having separate loving moments with Chris.

I’m not sure what the purpose of this video is but color me intrigued. This little clip just was not enough, I need more! Although we kind of have an idea of how this thing may play out, I mean Chris did just announce that he has separated from his girlfriend and is back on the market BUT he has been spending an awful lot of time with ex Ri Ri. I just want to get the full story.

Do you care about the love triangle or no?

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