Trailer Thursday: The Bay

13 Sep2012
538 0

Allow me to introduce you to “The Bay,” the devil, hybrid child of ‘Night of the Creeps” and “Quarantine” with a splash of “Bug.”

Filled with a cast of unknown faces, “The Bay” is a film depicting your typical “something’s not right about this town” plot. Rooted in a small town in Maryland, slowly things start to go crazy in the town and the people are gradually becoming infested with flesh-eating bugs that devour every organ in your body! YIKES!

Is your skin crawling yet? Well it will by the end of “The Bay” trailer and let me warn you about the 1:15 marker because I sure did jump out of my skin. The trailer of the film eludes to the viewer that this could be a true story and that this film is the result of a government cover up after a town goes to, for a lack of better words, SHIT! Shot in a documentary/home movie style way, the film does give off a “Paranormal Activity” or “The Blair Witch Project” feel. P.S. Remind me not to drink or go in the water in Maryland.

Get ready to be creeped out! Watch the trailer here and get ready for “The Bay” to infest a theater near you on November 2.

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