IT’S HERE! Breaking Dawn Part 2 Official Trailer!

07 Sep2012
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“It’s time, it’s time, it’s time,” *in my very best Alice Cullen voice.* Thee official trailer for “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” is HERE!!! Let’s just get in to it!

There are so many things that are happening in this trailer and it’s not making it any easier to keep up because basically all the characters have super human speed. There are also so many characters introduced in this last installment don’t even bother remembering their names and trying to understand each power they possess, just know they are all fricking awesome.

Now let’s get to the fun part, the actual trailer. Below are my ‘WOW’ moments after viewing the trailer several times.

  • Bella Swan, I’m sorry Cullen, does make one “feisty newborn!” She tackles a mountain lion on her first hunt and takes a death-defying leap into the unknown forest; good thing she’s technically no longer living.
  • Renesmee doesn’t say much but she sure is beautiful! Every time I saw that angelic face on the screen I couldn’t help but smile. She also looked very fierce riding Jacob wolf escaping from a member of the Volturi.
  • The Volturi brings out the big guns and by that I mean like every member EVER! I always loved the demeanor of The Volturi. They have such an arrogance about the way they carry themselves. Check them out at the table when Irina spills the beans about the “vampire child.”
  • Edward actually fighting and not getting his ass handed to him like in “New Moon” is such a delight to see. Him and Bella fighting together is also so adorbs.
  • The new vamps?! I like them!Kate’s electric power is so deadly and Benjamin’s ability to alter water will make such a great effect in the film.

Well what are you waiting for?! Get the clicking and treat yourself to the magic that is the epic conclusion to “The Twilight Saga.” Check out the trailer for “Breaking Dawn Part 2” here! But seriously is it November yet?!

I'm so excited Pictures, Images and Photos

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