“She is a Trampire”: Will Ferrell Is Upset About Robsten Break Up

03 Aug2012
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Twihards, Krisbians and Robsessed fans all over the world are not the only ones affected by the latest and most talked about cheating scandal EVER. Will Ferrell is also having a hard time dealing with the fact that “Twilight” star Kristen Stewart cheated on boyfriend and co-star Robert Pattinson.

Ferrell could not help but to burst into an emotional fit on Conan O’Brien’s ‘Late Night’ talk show. O’Brien noticed Ferrell was rather quiet and not himself and that’s when the funniest one minute and fifty-seven seconds of my day happened.

Like Ferrell, many fans have wondered was there something they could have done to prevent this and what it means to the “Twilight” franchise but they do know there will never be a love as great as theirs. Ending the clip Ferrell screams, “She is a trampire, that’s what she is, she’s a trampire!” Such an unfortunate nickname Ki Ki goes by these days.

Check out the link and ease the tension of the scandal with a laugh.

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