Photo Opp: Robert F*cking Pattinson

21 Jul2012
592 1


Hello Mr. Pattinson!

My first reaction to seeing the first look of Robbie’s Blackbook spread was kind of like this: HOLY F&@$#%^ SH$+ Bahwgahh!! The boy looks great! I mean can you imagine if those tats were REAL?! *fans self*

The September 2012 issues gives fans an interesting article. Reading it I felt like it was on the level of a best selling novel. Very descriptive of the setting Robbie was in during the interview. The article is very well written and Rob’s talks about buying his first car in Hollywood, his latest film “Cosmopolis” and girlfriend Kristen Stewart.

He talks about marriage rumors in the tabloids and mentions how ridiculous they are, “There was a magazine, with these pictures, saying I was getting married. No one ever knows what is true or what isn’t.” He continues. “Even my own mum called to ask me if it was true.” Robsten fans could only hope.

How hot is Robbie in these photos?


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