Question Of The Day: Is Drake the King of The Music Sample?

14 Jul2012
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It’s been done many times before, music artists sample or take a spin on popular and older songs. Some may say the original piece of music is better than the revamped cover and others may argue the very opposite. A question dawned on me the other day as I was listening to rapper Drake’s song Cameras from his Take Care album . I love the song, especially the chorus and wanted to know whose voice was on the track.

I turned to my good friend Google and discovered that it was R & B singer Jon B and Drake sampled the ending chorus from Jon B’s Calling On You. Sorry Jon B, but Drake made your song so much better! Want another example of how Drake slays a sample, take Practice, Drizzy’s take on Juvenile’s Back That A$$ Up. The slowed down, almost chopped and screwed version of the original record is genius to me. Every time the original comes on my iPod I immediately want to listen to “Practice”.

I’m convinced, Drake has a good ear for picking out songs to sample and remix into a classic. He is the king of the sample. Do you know of anymore Drake songs he sampled and made better.


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