The End is Near: The Last ‘Twilight’ Comic Con Panel

11 Jul2012
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sad gif Pictures, Images and PhotosThe end is near Twihards and it’s taking all I have to keep it together, the LAST Comic Con panel for the LAST installment of “The Twilight Saga” takes place Thursday, July 12, in San Diego at the annual Comic Con Convention.

Summit is pulling out all of the stops and bringing all our favorite vamps and fav werewolf to the infamous Hall H but that’s not all. MTV is exclusively sitting down with our Twi peeps for a TWO HOUR show streamed live from Comic Con with my favorite host Josh Horowitz. Yes, Joshie is bringing us Stewart, Pattinson, Lautner, Foy, Reaser, Facinelli, Lutz, Greene, Reed and Rathbone! To think of all my babies in one spot, it’s just too much to take in. This panel will be bittersweet and I can’t help but to think

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We watched the Twi cast mature over the years as they presented us with exclusive looks into “Twilight” in 2008, “New Moon” in 2009, and “Breaking Dawn Part 1” in 2011. It’s hard to believe so much time has gone by so fast and that we are a mere four months away from our beloved saga coming to a close.

Comic Con is the perfect place for Twi fans to get a fix until the November 16 release date. I’m expecting a few things this time around in the panel discussion. I look forward to amazing Robbie quotes and banter; he looked forward to talking about imprinting since “Eclipse” came out so I know he has many jokes prepared. I’m also looking forward to hearing Mackenzie Foy’s, who plays Renesmee, take on the saga and how it was working with the cast. I’m also hoping for some clips! Audience members are asked not to record but we always luck out with one bad apple that records the clips and posts them online. I can’t wait!

What are you Twihards hoping to see from the Comic Con coverage?

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