Goodbye Edward Cullen: Robert Pattinson Transforms In ‘Bel Ami’

05 May2012
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Girls prepare yourselves! If you didn’t lust for Robert Pattinson now you will after seeing ‘Bel Ami.’ Thanks to the movies gods ‘Bel Ami’ hit iTunes and Video on Demand a month and a few days before its scheduled theatre release date on June 8 and I’m so happy that was the case, so damn happy!


Robbie’s Character Georges Duroy manipulates three women in Paris during the 1800’s in order to achieve some sort of status and wealth in his life. And let me tell you; seduction is not hard for Georges. He’s already handsome and the little look his does; I felt like I was being seduced through the screen.

This role was hyped up to being a very sexualized role for Robbie and like he said in interviews about the film; there is a lot of his “crack” in it. Robbie’s character is very sexually dominating and refuses to go back to a life of poverty once he had a taste of the better things in life.


The three women in Georges life; Madeleine Forestier (Uma Thurman), Clotilde de Marelle (Christina Ricci) and Virginie Walters (Kristin Scott Thomas), are nothing more than pawns in his game to get to the perfect status in society and he has a very distinct relationship with each. Madeleine serves as his entry to status, Clotilde serves as a glimmer of happiness and Virginie serves as his entry to the stuff behind the scenes.

I think my favorite scene has to be when Georges snaps on love-sick Virginie and kicks her out of the love nest. You can clearly see Georges has no interest in Virginie throughout their entire fling and when he blows up on her it’s both sad and kind of funny. My Robbie went off and he looked so hot while doing it; I’m such a sucker.


If you can’t wait like me; be sure to check out ‘Bel Ami’ on iTunes or Video on Demand. It is so worth the money and cheaper than going to the movies. And if you’re like me, you get to watch it on your iPad and sleep with Robert Pattinson. *insert immature giggle*

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