Glambergirlblog Turns One!!!!!!

16 Apr2012
610 0

WE MADE IT TO A YEAR GUYS?!!! I’m so excited and also in disbelief that glambergirlblog has been running for a year strong! I can’t belive it? Can you? Of course I could not have done it without you, all my readers that take the time to read my blog. I am forever and always grateful to you.

To thank you I decided to offer a gift card to one lucky reader! All you have to do is comment on THIS post to enter your name in a drawing. Tell me your favorite post over the past year and your name is entered in the drawing. It’s that simple!! Please leave your email address in your comment and on Friday, April 20th a winner will be announced! Good luck to all those who participate and thanks again for all your support!

Stay Glamberous!!

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