Top Heartbreaking Scenes: McAdams Edition

25 Mar2012
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Watching “The Notebook” last night got me to thinking about how utterly beautiful actress Rachel McAdams is and to top it off she’s such a great actress. NOT to mention she’s a beautiful crier and that’s a rare thing to come by so that brings me to the reprise of my “top heartbreaking scenes” – the Rachel McAdams edition.

“The Notebook”— Two words: “The Notebook”. One emotion: Distraught! EVERYtime I watch this movie I am irrevocably emotionally drained by the time the credits roll. It gets me every time; maybe not the entire movie, like it once did, but it’s still one or two parts that gets me choked up or at least misty eyed. It’s hard to pick the MOST emotional scene in this movie but I think I’ll have to go with the “What do you want scene?” The scene has such a build up to this point and Ryan Gosling’s character Noah is simply heartbroken, yet again. This is a scene that always gets me.

“The Family Stone” — Maybe my favorite holiday movie, “The Family Stone” is about a conservative woman Meredith, played by Sarah Jessica Parker going home for the holidays with her boyfriend and trying to fit in with his unconventional family. McAdams character Amy is sort of the bratty sister who goes out of her way to make Meredith’s stay a living hell but that tough girl exterior breaks when Meredith hands out her Christmas gifts to everyone. Literally I cry every time! This movie is so emotional and if you get the chance to see it please do.

“Wedding Crashers” — “Wedding Crashers” might be seen as an emotional movie but being that I’m such a girl I can find the most gentle moments heart wrenching. Being that I’m a noted daddy’s girl, ANY father-daughter interaction on-screen gets me. Towards the end of the movie when McAdams character Claire is confronted by her dad about her doubts concerning getting married and her calls her “Claire Bear” I admit I do get misty eyed but other than that “Wedding Crashers” is hilarious!

“The Time Traveler’s Wife” — Ugh, where do I start?! Not only am I completely mind blown throughout this film trying to figure out the whole time traveling thing but the simple fact that the love of your life keeps coming and going and you have no control over it breaks my heart. There are two scenes that stand out to me and that’s Clare and Henry’s wedding night when he disappears while they are jumping on the bed and the ending scene when Henry makes his return and Clare runs through the field trying to get to Henry before he disappears.

The Vow— Now I’m so behind the ball and still have not gotten around to see “The Vow” but I’ve heard nothing but good reviews about the film and heard that it is indeed a tear jerker. The story  is based on true events that follows the efforts of a husband trying to get his wife who suffered memory loss to remember the love they have. Sounds heartbreaking to me.

Do you have any heartbreaking Rachel McAdams roles you want to share?

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