My Top Five Heartbreaking Scenes

12 Nov2011
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Heartbreak is no fun but great moments in film come from the scenes that can make at least one person in the audience really feel and understand that emotion from the character.There are some very emotional scenes in film that really hit me no matter how many times I may have watched the film. The emotion and heartbreak in the scene is so powerful that I can connect with the scene with every viewing. So here are my top five heartbreaking scenes.

5. Click –“Forever and Ever Babe” This scene is heartbreaking but it brings that comedic relief that funny guy Adam Sandler brings. Sandler’s character is dying in this part but still has the strength to catch up to his family and says the final things he needs to tell them before he goes. The words “forever and ever babe” are said between Sandler’s character and his ex-wife and it’s simply touching. Great scene!

4. Cruel Intentions –“Don’t Touch Me Sebastian” I LOVE Cruel Intentions!  Great 90’s movie. The film for the most part is a drama or a dark comedy to some but the breakup scene with Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon character’s is amazing! Both of them are crying, I was crying, Reese slaps Ryan and I wanted to also. It’s the old “it’s not you it’s me” story but this time it’s true, so sad.

3.  Titanic — “You Jump I Jump” You can’t mention heartbreak without mentioning Titanic. One of the most heartbreaking movies in history, this film is filled with those moments but one of the scenes that hits me almost every time is the scene when Kate Winslet’s character Rose is being lowered in the boat and is torn saying goodbye to Leonardo DiCarpio’s character Jack. She jumps off the boat and they both run to each other and into each other’s arms. Rose looks at Jack and say, “you jump, I jump, right?” In my head Jack wanted to say, “You damn right!”

2. Sex and the City — “I am humiliated” I’m going to keep this one brief because this one hits close to home. I was so in a “Mr. Big and Carrie” situation so I can 100% feel for Sarah Jessica Parker’s character Carrie when she got stood up at her own wedding! That’s every brides nightmare and the depression Carrie slips into after is gut retching. I love that film but that scene, Mmm smh so sad!

1. Twilight Saga: New Moon — “Hole in my chest” No bias but the Bella depression scene in New Moon is so depressing and genuinely sad it breaks my heart every time! I mean this girl has night terrors and can’t even function from her breakup. I know some girls have been like this due to a breakup, maybe not to this extreme but close to it. Kristen Stewart did a great job in this scene. There are so many sad things in this scene; Bella sitting in Edward’s lunch table chair, Bella writing to email that keeps getting sent back, and these nightmares, whoa! I’m getting emotional just writing about it.

Do you have any heartbreaking moments to share?

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