Team Jacob vs. Team Edward

10 Nov2011
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BEST WEEK EVER!! At least so far.

 This week I embarked on a major mission for Twilight Takeover! I was kinda upset there was no Breaking Dawn press functions happening in New York so when I caught wind that Tay Tay, Taylor Lautner, and Robbie, Robert Pattinson, were going to be in New York promoting the latest installment in the saga I KNEW I had to see them.

DAY 1: Tay appeared on The Today on Tuesday, November 13. I arrived to the set of the show around 4 am. Yea, I still can’t believe I woke up that early either, but I arrived and the line was short which completely shocked me, I mean it’s Taylor “Abs for days” Lautner. 6:30 am rolled around and guests began to enter the Rockefeller Plaza, where the show is taped. I quickly made a buddy and we found a great spot, FRONT ROW. The moment arrived for Tay to come out and the sweetie took his time with all the fans in the plaza and literally signed everybody’s posters and took pictures with everyone who wanted one in that plaza, including ME!!  I was also able to get great video of him and my buddy even got video of Tay giving me the eyes *swoons*Day 1 was a complete success!

DAY2: *Dun, Dun, Dun* Now day 2 I wasn’t as lucky. I know the ladies freak for Rob Pattinson but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The buddy I made a few days before and I exchanged contacts and agreed to come see Rob together. We were going to meet up at 3am at the plaza Thursday morning. Keep in mind that I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep and had been up since 8pm on Wednesday night. So I’m heading towards the show and I get a call from my buddy that the line is CRAZY!! Indeed the line was crazy and not how it was when Taylor was there. My buddy and I made friends with another pack of Team Edward fans and we spent the next 4 hours or so discussing, what else?, TWILIGHT!! It was Breaking Dawn and were starting to get called into the plaza. Now there was two things we needed to do; 1. Be in the first row after the barricade and 2. Be in a good spot where Rob would get to us. Well we got 1 out of 2. Rob went to the complete other side to where we were and then he had to jet to Regis and Kelly, so he didn’t get to us all. The crazy fans that we are scurried to the other location to try a second chance to meet Rob only to get shut down yet again due to security reasons. SMH I was bummed! I really wanted to meet Rob but I guess there’s always another time and another place.

At least I saw Tay and that means we are a day closer for the film to FINALLY hit theaters!! *whispers* “seven days”

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