Quick Movie Review: The Spread of Germs Is Real in ‘Contagion’

25 Sep2011
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I don’t think of myself as a germaphobic but I do often find myself reaching for hand sanitizer and honestly getting creeped out when someone sneezes or coughs without covering so seeing the film “Contagion” really kind of creeped me out! Don’t get me wrong the film was amazing! The star-studded case did an outstanding job and the premise of the film is genius, but seeing how germs can spread from simple contact is frightening. You can only imagine how many germs you could come into contact with everyday and how vulnerable you can be to diseases; it really is crazy!

The premise of the film is Gwyneth Paltrow’s character Beth contracts a deadly, highly contagious and quickly spreading disease from Hong Kong and passes it along, unknowingly, to different people. They then spread it on to different countries as they continue to live their lives unsuspecting of this disease and how they are spreading it to other people. As you can imagine once the word of the disease hits public the poo hits the fan! The general public erupts into pandemonium desperately trying to find a cure and remain alive. I don’t even want to imagine having to deal with something like that if some type of actual “Contagion” event was to occur. VERY SCARY!

This film is still in theaters so if you get a chance to check it out please do and PLEASE keep yourself sanitized!

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Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

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