Fall Movie Preview

12 Aug2011
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Entertainment Weekly’s Fall preview issue got me to thinking about all the movies I’m excited to see this fall. There are a number of them that I’m anxious to see and below are my top five and links.

1. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 Well of course BD would top my list! Words can’t describe my obsession and sheer excitement for this upcoming film. This will probably be the only film I’ll A.) go see a midnight showing of and B.) Go see about 4 times in the theaters. November 18, 2011

2. The Sitter —  I just watched the trailer for this film and as always Jonah Hill is HIlarious!! To add frosting on top he plays alongside the most cutest kids. I believe the same producers of Pineapple Express  did this film and that movie was an absolute riot!!, so I know this one will be good. December 9, 2011

3. In TimeI still don’t know how I feel about Justin Timberlake as an actor but I’m kind of feeling this film. It has a very interesting concept and the trailer is definitely an attention grabber. Not to mention the beautiful Amanda Seyfried stars opposite of JT in this film. I’ll probably catch a matinée of this film, New York prices man. October 28, 2011

4. New Year’s EveFrom the same premise of 2010’s Valentine’s Day , New Year’s Eve follows several storylines of New Yorkers on NYE. I LOVED Valentine’s Day and I’m super stoked for NYE to come out. The movie has many big names, SJP, Zac Efron, Lea Michele, Halle Berry and so much more! December 9, 2011

5. The Darkest HourThis is another film trailer that I just watched and I am colored intrigued. It’s not your typical alien invasion flick. You can’t even see the damn things! Ha, but I find it worth spending a couple bucks to see. Check out the trailer and you be the judge. December 25, 2011

Get excited people! The fall is almost here!

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