MTV Movie Awards 2011 Recap

05 Jun2011
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The big night has come and gone and I am quite pleased with all the winners and the show. I was kind of pissed though! I don’t know why but my cable was messing up and the show was skipping all night smh but despite that there were several moments I liked in the program.

I liked the intro with host Jason Sudeikis and Twilight hunk Taylor Lautner. Super cute Tay Tay! Rob winning the first award brought a smile to my face and every shot of him sitting next to his lovely lady Kristen Stewart also made me giddy throughout the night.

I was also glad to see Twilight rack up in the awards!! For the third year in a row Best Kiss went to Rob and Kristen!!! This win was great although the two didn’t kiss, Rob planted a big wet one on co-star Taylor Lautner and I literally LMAO when Rob told Kristen, “What, I wanna take you backstage,” oohhh LOL 🙂

And the Rob moments didn’t stop there!!! I swear he was drunk! During the presenting of The Generation Award to Reese Witherspoon Rob dropped the F bomb and seemed very jittery but I still love me some Robert Pattinson so it doesn’t matter. The entire segment was very sloppy but funny and made for a CLASSIC MTV Movie Awards moment.

There were so many more must see moments so I hope you all were watching and I hope to see some Youtube videos of the night SOON! Here is the list of all the 2011 MTV Movie Award Winners! CONGRATS *whispers GO Twilight*

  • Best Male Performance: Robert Pattinson
  • Best Villian: Tom Felton
  • Best Jaw Dropping Moment: Justin Bieber
  • Best Kiss: Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 🙂
  • Best Female Performance: Kristen Stewart
  • Best Movie of the Year: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
  • Best Line From a Movie: Alexys Nycole Sanchez
  • Best Fight: Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel vs. Robert Pattinson
  • Best Scared Ass Sh*t Moment: Ellen Page
  • Best Breakout Star: Chloe Grace Moretz 
  • Biggest Badass Star: Chloe Grace Moretz 
  • Best Comedic Performance: Emma Stone
  • MTV Generation Award: Reese Witherspoon

What were your favorite moments??

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