Breaking Dawn Trailer Breakdown

05 Jun2011
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Ok I had a moment to calm down. I’m still amped but after my 50th viewing of the trailer I’m ready to do a breakdown of the trailer. I like everyone’s expression of receiving Bedward’s or Ella’s –Edward and Bella– wedding invitation. Aro looks pleased, like he’s ready to say “congrats, my young friends”.  Charlie looks irritated, Renee seems pretty happy as she’s fanning the invitation, and Jacob 🙁 oh my Jacob, he is pretty livid!! The poor boy had to rip off his shirt, in the pouring rain *sigh*, and phase into a damn wolf he’s so mad!

The reveal of Bella in her gown locking eyes with Edward is classic and with the music makes it epic! And Lord have mercy that honeymoon smh all I can say is R.I.P to that headboard! There were also clips of Edward throwing Jake into a wall reminiscent to Edward throwing Bella into a wall in New Moon and I may be mistaken but I think I saw smeared blood on Edward’s face. Maybe from the birth scene…Mmmm…I guess we’ll have to wait and see 🙂

That teaser was definitely a fix for a Twilight addict like myself. I can’t wait to see the other trailers that are going to be released and better yet I can’t wait for November 18th for the full movie!

P.S. You can go to Perez and watch the trailer..while it’s still up!

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