The Franchise Continues: Final Destination 5 Is Coming To Theaters

12 May2011
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OK, having a title called The FINAL Destination would make me think it would be the FINAL Final Destination but apparently NOT! I’ll tell you how I came across this silly trailer.

One of the new apps I have on my iPhone is Crackle . I absolutely LOVE this app. It was FREE and allows you to watch a number of movies straight from your mobile device. Now the only downside to me is that there are no trailers for the movies on this app. I like a preview of what I’m about to see so I usually head over to my IMDB ( The Internet Movie Database) app, type in the movie and see a trailer there. On the home page at IMDB they usually highlight some upcoming movies and have links to trailers for them and that’s when I stumbled across the idiotic “Final Destination 5.”

Now don’t get me wrong I WAS a FD fan! I seen all the previous movies in theaters when they came out but I sorta lost interest after 3, my girl Alexz Johnson was in that one so that’s why I really wanted to see  it, NOW not so much. The deaths look incredibly fake and seem SO far-fetched and I don’t like the spin this one is taking with, “It’s kill or be killed”. I really think these films should have ended at the third but hey it may do good on its August 12, 2011 premiere. *sarcastic face*

Watch the “Final Destination 5” trailer in the clip below and share your thoughts on this film in the comments. Will you be checking this out or are you so over this franchise?

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Photo: New Line Cinema

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