Tags that belong toJaden Smith

Willow and Jaden Smith Lead The Pack As Hollywood’s “New Wave” According To Vanity Fair

11Jun 2014

are just two of the big names you should know leading the pack of  " According to . The July issue of

EXCLUSIVE: Will and Jaden Smith Cause Mayhem At The NYC After Earth Premiere

30May 2013

are acting along side each other once again in their May 31 film On Wednesday, May 29,

Viral Video: Will & Jaden Smith Rap ‘Fresh Prince’ Theme Song With Special Guests

25May 2013

Will and Jaden Smith made an appearance on the  with host Graham Norton to promote their I've seen episodes of The Graham

Trailer Thursday: After Earth

13Dec 2012

Father and son are teaming up once more in a new movie! Will Smith and Jaden once played father and