Tags that belong to22 Jump Street

Movie Review: “22 Jump Street”

13Jun 2014

Get your bean bag chairs, t-shirts that signal you drink and appetite for adventure ready for " before

Channing Tatum Talks Fatherhood, Alcohol and Jonah Hill in ‘GQ’ – Plus Watch Him Steal Clothes [VIDEO]

20May 2014

bet, and more in the new issue of  The "Jupiter Ascending" actor talked about his sweet tooth and

Let Me See: ’22 Jump Street’ Final Red Band Trailer [VIDEO]

10Apr 2014

In the final red band trailer for "get crazier than ever in the sequel to 2012 film. This new

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill Attempt Mexican Accents in New ’22 Jump Street’ Clip [VIDEO]

09Apr 2014

." In the clip, Tatum and Hill character's are clearly undercover trying to infiltrate information from drug dealers. While Hill

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill Go To College In The NEW “22 Jump Street” Trailer [VIDEO]

20Feb 2014

are the perfect "power couple" in the sequel to "21 Jump Street." Tatum and Hill are back in